Definition of Blind date

1. Noun. A participant in a blind date (someone you meet for the first time when you have a date with them).

Generic synonyms: Date, Escort

2. Noun. A date with a stranger. "She never goes on blind dates"
Generic synonyms: Appointment, Date, Engagement

Definition of Blind date

1. Noun. (idiomatic) A romantic meeting between two people who have never met before. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Blind Date

blind alley
blind alleys
blind as a bat
blind bend
blind boil
blind carbon copy
blind corner
blind curve
blind date
blind dates
blind drunk
blind ecash
blind eel
blind enema
blind fistula
blind flying
blind foramen of frontal bone
blind foramen of the tongue
blind gentian
blind gut
blind headache
blind hole
blind holes

Literary usage of Blind date

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Library Journal by American Library Association, Library Association (1906)
"From that day in 1784 the real education of the blind date». Dr. Howe, too, in Boston, and Mr. Fried- lander in Philadelphia, fifty years later, ..."

2. Argentine Republic: A Geographical Sketch, with Special Reference to (1903)
"The schools for the deaf and blind date from 1000—one for men and another for women. The military school was established in 1870. ..."

3. Ed Annink, Designer by Ed van Hinte (2002)
"One of the students arranged a blind date, who didn't show up. So he went out and found a willing victim at the railway station.They even became a couple ..."

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